Tile, Stone, Marble, Glass… There are many beautiful options available when selecting wall materials for your steam shower environment. As each manufacturer may require a different application method, be sure to refer to the procedures and warranties for the product you select. [...more]
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Every creature was steaming, even the mouse. The bathrobes were draped on the towel warmer with care, In hopes that our new sauna room soon would be there. [...more]
A sauna room is more than just wood and heat. The key to creating the ideal sauna environment is understanding the components, allowing for the specification of most every sauna room detail including wide luxurious benches, bench skirting, wall-mounted backrests, full wood flooring, full glass doors, venting, lighting and bathing accessories. Here is a brief overview of the available features: [...more]
‘Tis the season for increased stress and weight gain. While this is the time of year to celebrate all we are thankful for, it is also a time filled with anxiety, overscheduling, and overeating. Steam and sauna bathing not only provide holiday stress relief but a luxurious way to combat those extra holiday pounds. [...more]
One of today’s biggest concerns is preventing illness. The flu, H1N1 (swine flu), and other airborne and viral illnesses are a major concern for individuals, employers, parents, and educators. Every other article you read talks about how to protect one’s self through exercise, healthy eating, and frequent hand washing. [...more]
What happens when your customer wants one thing and you try to give them something different? Okay, we all know the answer to that question – they go somewhere else!  Are you prepared to lose business rather than find a way to give the customer what they want? [...more]
The key selling points of a home which produce the highest return on investment are the bathroom and the kitchen. Being the most essential areas of the house, it pays to invest in them. The sanctuary of every home, bathrooms are evolving into havens of comfort and relaxation where one can indulge [...more]
What equipment do you REALLY need for your home steam shower? When it comes to steam bathing, there’s no such thing as “upselling”, only enhancing and maximizing. A steam shower is more than just a room filled with steam, it is an environment which provides dramatic health and wellbeing benefits [...more]
Is there really a difference between a 120V and a 240V steam generator?  From a performance standpoint, it’s kind of like trying to jump start your 12.6V car battery with a 9V toy battery. [...more]
The first step in creating your bathing environment is planning the room itself and these attractive units seem to offer all the bells and whistles without the typical construction requirements. I’ll bet you’ve watched some of the marketing videos out there. You may have even found a flattering article in some magazine. But have you [...more]